Surface Measurement Systems

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Equipment, Lab, Machinery


Surface Measurement Systems (SMS) pioneered Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) for the expert monitoring of a wide range of materials sorption phenomena, including the ingress of water vapor into raw powders, solids and fibrous goods, in addition to informing packaging development and precisely mimicking a wide range of temperature and relative humidity conditions for the purpose of accelerated shelf-life analysis.
SMS further enables groups throughout the food and beverage industries with the only commercially available, research-grade iGC SEA (Inverse Gas Chromatograph Surface Energy Analyzer) for the purpose of surface area/BET, surface energy (* including surface energy mapping), acid-base chemistry, works of adhesion/cohesion, degree of crystallinity/amorphous content and porosity determination - factors considered essential to powders characterization, scale process monitoring, formulation and blending, optimizing coatings and colorants and pigments development.


Surface Measurement Systems develops and engineers innovative experimental techniques and instrumentation for physico-chemical characterisation of complex solids. We are the world leaders in Dynamic Vapor Sorption technology and Inverse Gas Chromatography instrumentation and solutions, providing professional world-class scientific and technical support for our international customers. By carefully controlling, measuring and analysing the physico-chemical interaction of vapors with solid samples such as powders, fibres and films. Surface Measurement Systems can help solve problems in research and development, such as stability studies and drying performance, through to manufacturing and quality control.

Our range of characterization instruments and scientific/engineering techniques has helped solve difficult problems in the pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, polymers catalysts, chemical, cosmetics and food industries, and are used by hundreds of leading laboratories and universities throughout the world.

Food and food ingredients are often very hygroscopic materials. The final performance and stability of these materials necessitates careful consideration of moisture uptake in the materials, as well as the associated packaging system. Problems with drying, caking, product stability are common and can often be traced to moisture issues. Water sorption isotherms obtained using our DVS instruments represents the industry standard and state of the art in understanding these challenging problems.

Drying and dehydration
Powder caking
Water sorption isotherms
Glass transition temperature
Water activity
Permeability of packaging
Stability testing
Formulation performance

Financing, Installation, Delivery

None Specified
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