What are Some of the Key Legal Issues Facing New Beverage Companies?

What are some of the key legal issues facing a new beverage company? Hard advice to get without spending a lot of money — but we’ve sat down with William Garvin of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC to cover some of the basics.

One interesting question we posed to Garvin was about potential conflicts that can arise when working with a co-packer or contact manufacturer. In the past we’ve heard many entrepreneurs state that they aren’t worried about legal risks since they are having someone else create and produce their product. According to Garvin, that’s a risky assumption, one that could cause great expense down the line:

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In all, we have four new segments with Garvin covering many legal aspects of the beverage industry. Make sure to watch them all. http://www.bevnetfbu.com/experts/william-garvin